Day 35 overall, Day 28 afloat, Petersburg to Rods Cove. (June 25, 2015)

Day 35 overall, Day 28 afloat, Petersburg to Rods Cove. (June 25, 2015)

Blog Reader, Blog Reader, Blog Reader, this is vessel Domino with Tammy at the Blog. Wind and rain has finally died down and weather forecast is 10 kts with 3 foot seas so time to get while the getting is good.

I had to speak to work today and that it the first time in 35 days so strange!

11:18 I tossed the ropes off and we are leaving Petersburg and headed for Rods Cove. It is fairly foggy today but really calm. As I look through my log I see that generally when we have heavy fog we also have very calm waters. I don’t really mind the fog because it gives us a really good chance to use and rely on our Furuno radar. I think I will take more classes when I get home because I love this stuff!

We are seeing a lot of fishing boats today and they are mostly seiners. This seems like a good time to talk a little bit about the different type of fishing boats we have seen this summer. I have attached two photos that I took of an instructional sign that explains all the different type of commercial fishing vessels. The ones that I have talked about the most often are the Seiners and the Gill netters. These are the boats that we have seen the most of along the way. We are essentially a trawler and we have used the boat to trawl for fish but we are out fitted for commercial fishing. We would need a lot more equipment! We are starting to see more long liners but they seem to be much farther out than the other three types. We have seen plenty of crabbers and these are really easy to identify because the back end is usually stacked up with crab pots if they are on their way back into port.

12:00 – Patterson glacier just came into view and this will be the first one that we have seen on this trip. The boat is running well so the oil change, completed by Andrew, must have been done correctly and I can uncross my fingers now! Funny because he has never changed the oil in our cars at home, I am going to have to point that out.

6:00 Passing Pinter Rock and watching a pretty active pod of humpback whales. The water is like liquid glass today. Not a wave or wake in site.

7:50 Skies have cleared and we can see Barenoff Island. I know these aren’t the purple mountain majesty that they sing about but holy smokes these mountains are majestic.

8:07- Leaving Frederick sound and entering Chatham Strait and passing Carol Island. Calm water behind us and a little swell coming our way.

9:16- Anchored in 17.6 feet of water but tide is in so we are setting the anchor and depth alarm. We think that the ebb will not be more than 10 feet. This anchorage is slightly open to Chatham so some swell this evening.

Off to get dinner on the table, nice to be able to cook underway. We are trying out pork tenderloin on the new grill set up and having dinner on the patio! Love this life. This is Tammy signing off and headed for the boat patio for a nice romantic dinner with my hubby. Signing off and standing by on Channel 16.

  • Left Dock/Weighed anchor: Ropes off 11:19
  • Cruise Log: 63 Nautical Miles
  • Weather Conditions: 10 kts of win from the south. Partially cloudy but nice.
  • Navigational Obstacles: Whales, stopped a few times to linger and keep them safe as they approach the boat.
  • Wildlife Sighting: Humpback whales
  • Arrived Dock/Dropped anchor: Dropped anchor at 9:16 PM
  • Slip for the night: $0
  • Lessons learned: Go into neutral as soon as the whales seem to be headed our direct and just float and enjoy the heck out of watching them swim by the boat.
  • Fun Meals underway: Pork Tenderloin
  • Time today Helm for TEA: 3.5 hrs
  • Time today Helm for ACA: 6 hrs

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